Code of Expected Behaviour



  1. must remain seated, wearing their seat belt properly adjusted (where fitted) for the whole journey.
  2. not eat or drink in the bus.
  3. are to use socially acceptable language when talking to the driver and / or others, and speak quietly so they do not distract the bus driver.
  4. are to respect the bus operator’s property at all times
  5. are not to harass, bully, or abuse other passengers or the driver in any way, whether verbal or physical.
  6. are to respect others’ property and do not interfere with it in any way.
  7. are to listen to and follow the requirements and instructions of the bus driver and the Bus Monitors at all times.
  8. will not to engage in any behaviour that could put other passengers, the driver, or themselves at risk.

Decisions or requests made by a driver must be followed through. If a student has issues or complaints about these decisions they have the right to present it in written form to the Bus Controller or their Principal.

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